Streamlit for Dummies: Turn Your Python Code into a Web App in Minutes

AndReda Mind
2 min readFeb 28, 2024

Want to share your awesome Python creations with the world, but intimidated by complex web development tools? Look no further than Streamlit! This user-friendly framework lets you effortlessly transform your Python code into interactive web apps, all without the need for any web development knowledge.

So, what exactly is Streamlit?

Think of it as a magic wand for your Python projects. It takes your existing code, whether it’s data analysis, machine learning predictions, or anything else you can dream up, and wraps it in a sleek web interface. This means anyone, regardless of their web development skills, can easily create and share their work through a user-friendly website.

Why should you care? Here are some of the reasons Streamlit is awesome:

  • Blazing Fast: Building a basic web app with Streamlit takes mere minutes. It’s perfect for quickly prototyping ideas or showcasing your work to colleagues and clients.
  • Effortlessly Simple: Streamlit leverages the power of Python, so you don’t need to learn any complex web development languages like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Instead, you use simple Python commands to add elements like buttons, text boxes, and charts to your app.
  • Highly Interactive: Streamlit apps are dynamic. Users can interact with them by typing input, clicking buttons, or making selections, and your code will respond in real-time, updating the web page instantly.

Intrigued? Let’s see Streamlit in action!

Here’s a simple example that demonstrates the core concept:


import streamlit as st

st.title("My First Streamlit App")
user_name = st.text_input("What's your name?")
if user_name:
st.write("Hello,", user_name)

Note that to run it, use this command:

streamlit run [your_file_path]\

the result of the last code

This shortcode creates a web app with a title, asks for your name through a text box, and then greets you by name if you enter something!

Ready to get your hands dirty? Here’s how to get started:

  • Install Streamlit: Open your terminal or command prompt and type: pip install streamlit
  • Create a Python file: Give it a name like and paste the code example above inside.
  • Run the magic: In your terminal, type streamlit run and a web page will open in your browser, showcasing your first Streamlit app!

This is just a glimpse into the world of Streamlit. With its simplicity and power, Streamlit empowers anyone to create and share interactive web apps, opening up a world of possibilities for your Python projects!

